Out of Charm's Way was the third online game to be made based on the show and combines concepts, monsters and villains that have appeared in different episodes of season 1. The game released before it was Monster Mayhem
Currently unavailable for playing on any online games-collecting sites. Warning: The descriptions below have spoilers to the game.
Summary/How to play[]
Intro clip:
June: Hey Monroe! Ray Ray found this weird thing in the park. Any idea what it is?
Monroe: Well, it's definitely a magic charm. Powerful too-- I can already feel my fur standing on end.
June: Well, then we'd better make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. I'll check the park for any other magical doodads.
Game controls[]
- Left and right arrow keys - Move
- Up and down arrow key - Look
- Z key - Jump
- X key - Attack
- Push against objects
- X key while jumping - Jump Attack
- Double tap key - Roll
- Z key while jumping - Glide
- Collect 100 jewels for an extra life
- Collect all the charms to win special download
There are three areas, each of which have three sublevels, making ten levels in total and a single boss-fight in the end. During these you collect two different types of charms: jewels for life points and a bigger charm for a special extra; as well as new abilities/spells for each area. If you have collected a new ability/spell, you can always go back on the map to previous levels, similar to Metroidvania-type games.
The City Park[]
The Orchid Bay Mall[]
The Graveyard[]
Good ending[]
You earn the right to a prize at the end which is a wallpaper that used to be downloadable on the Cartoon Network site.
You defeated Loki!
But as long as any of those magic charms remain in Orchid Bay, Loki might be summoned again. Find all the charms to win a special Juniper Lee download!
Bad ending[]
Game Over!
Don't give up the fight! After all, those charms won't collect themselves!
- Juniper Lee
- Monroe
- Ray Ray (mentioned)
- A bug-like rock-slab monsters (also seen in the first episode of the show). Takes one attack or jump-attack to defeat.
- A multi-tentacled octopus-like monsters. Takes two attacks/jump-attacks to defeat.
- Hench-Demons (Has wingless and winged variant, appearing in Mall level and Graveyard). Takes three attacks/jump-attacks to defeat.
- Demonic dogs. (Graveyard level only) Takes three attacks/jump-attacks to defeat.
Boss Fights[]
- The music and sound for this game was composed and designed by Chris Rickwood[1].
- The game's mechanics and levels were designed and coded by Brad Meritt[2].
- The graphics and sprites provided resemble the show the most out of all three online games. The jump animation for example is almost an exact copy of Mike Kunkel's key frames from the intro [3] and so are the backgrounds and villain sprites as well.
- The big charms that June collects in the game are actually the belt buckle or charm from Loki's belt in the show.
- The game's elements, graphics, designs, etc. would later inspire a similar game called Code of the Cryptids from The Secret Saturdays. Here are some similarities for instance:
- Both games have three bosses.
- Several of the cryptids in Code of the Cryptids are like The Secret Saturdays equivalent of several of this game's enemies.
- Flashlight Frog - Rock monster
- Madagascar man-eating tree - Octopus-like monster
- Popobawa - Hench-Demon (winged variant)
- Snake cryptids - Demonic dog
- June and Zak both have a gliding ability and an ability to avoid spikes.
Gameplay videos[]
- ↑ Credits/ Chris Rickwood
- ↑ Bullet Pattern - October 2006
- ↑ The Art of Andre Moore: Model Sheet Tuesday 4/4/06