Juniper Lee Wiki

The Shrine of the Elders in the Heart of Enhancement.

The Heart of Enhancement is a magical realm that only appeared in the episode called Out of the Past.


The Shrine of the Elders is the "birthplace of magic" itself. This is located in the Heart of Enhancement, a pocket-dimension that houses the Te Xuan Ze’s powers. This is a secret area only accessible through a portal, as seen in Out of the Past, demonstrated by Kai Yee leaping into a portal in the location where the Sword of the Elders was. Jasmine and June also leaped through a portal created by Jasmine in her backyard. This implies that the Te Xuan Ze can create portals to other dimensions while being unable to physically leave Orchid Bay. The magic of the elders exists everywhere around the shrine and the magic there can be tapped into by good Te Xuan Ze such as Juniper and Jasmine, to amplify their powers. The shrine within has a temple where the Orb of the Elders is located, placed in the hands of a Buddha-like statue. This orb can also be tapped into for extra power or it can be used to steal the power of the elders, as attempted by Kai Yee.



